At the first international Techno Wind Foil event that took place at the end of October 2020 on Lake Garda, Italy, numerous clubs and teams were able to see the qualities and potential of Techno Wind Foil 130 live at first hand. Great performance in light winds, easy accessibility, smooth control in stronger winds… You can check out the buzz of interest and enthusiasm the event generated in the article attached to this mail (you may already have seen this) and by watching the event video. Hundreds of boards sold in 17 countries The net result is that in less than two months hundreds of Techno Wind Foil 130 boards were sold in 17 different countries, and a number of national sailing federations have already incorporated Techno Wind Foil in their 2021 event calendars. Full International Calendar finalized Speaking of which, a full international calendar is currently being finalised and we can now bring you the dates of the main 2021 events. Obviously, this calendar is open to modification depending on how the Covid pandemic and its physical/social restrictions evolve. Techno Wind Foil 130 Successful Lift-Off 1 TAHE OUTDOORS FRANCE | NEWSLETTER TWF130 | 2021-02 Six competition rounds to get International Class recognition You will notice that several of the events coincide with the Techno 293 OD 2021 calendar, giving those competitors the opportunity to try Techno Windfoil 130 racing at international level. It also gives the Techno 293 OD class national coaches and team managers a chance to test the equipment for themselves. At all the international events TAHE will be providing a small fleet of “charter” boards and foils. These six competition rounds will enable Techno Foil 130 to make the case for full international class recognition at the next full World Sailing international conference at the end of this year. A dedicated Techno Wind Foil 130 class web page is now available on-line on the Techno 293 OD website, with all the event information, class rules and regulations… Go to: Stay posted! TAHE Outdoors France - 58 Rue Alain GERBAULT | Zone Industrielle du PRAT | CP 3716 | CS 23716 | 56037 VANNES Cedex | FRANCE Tel: 33 (0)2 97 43 75 00 | Fax: 33 (0)2 97 43 75 01 | | S.A.S.U. au capital de 1.812.075 Euros | 781 626 957 R.C.S. VANNES | C.C.P NANTES 294411 W 16-18 April TWF 130 International Championship - Quiberon (FRA2021 TWF 130 / T293 OD CALENDAR

A dedicated Techno Wind Foil 130 class web page is now available on-line on the Techno 293 OD website, with all the event information, class rules and regulations… Go to:
16-18 April TWF 130 International Championship - Quiberon (FRANCE). 25-30 June Formula Foil Youth and Masters, including TWF 130 International Championship - Puck (POLAND). 10-15 August Techno Plus World Championships, including TWF 130 International Championship - Bodrum (TURKEY). 21-28 August Techno 293 & Techno Plus European Championships - Tallinn (ESTONIA). 12-16 October Techno 293, Techno Plus, Formula Foil Asian Championships including TWF 130 International Championships - Musandam (OMAN). 20-22 October TWF 130 International Championship - Torbole (ITALY). 23-30 October Techno 293 World Championships - Torbole (ITALY). 7-11 December Techno 293, Techno Plus, Formula Foil South American Championships, including TWF 130 International Championship - Rapel Lake (CHILE).
